
Contact Info Vittorio Emanuele 21 Bettolle
53048, Sinalunga (Italy)

+39 0577 623495
+39 0577 622125

+39 335 6232386


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Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Villa di lusso in Toscana
Toscana Immobiliare - the villa is located in a strategic position. In fact from the top of its tower it enjoys a magnificent 360 degree view over the whole Valdichiana, part of Umbria where you can admire the Trasimeno Lake, and all the rest of the surrounding territory
Toscana Immobiliare - the villa is located in a strategic position. In fact from the top of its tower it enjoys a magnificent 360 degree view over the whole Valdichiana, part of Umbria where you can admire the Trasimeno Lake, and all the rest of the surrounding territory
Toscana Immobiliare - the villa is located in a strategic position. In fact from the top of its tower it enjoys a magnificent 360 degree view over the whole Valdichiana, part of Umbria where you can admire the Trasimeno Lake, and all the rest of the surrounding territory
Toscana Immobiliare - the villa is located in a strategic position. In fact from the top of its tower it enjoys a magnificent 360 degree view over the whole Valdichiana, part of Umbria where you can admire the Trasimeno Lake, and all the rest of the surrounding territory
Toscana Immobiliare - the villa is located in a strategic position. In fact from the top of its tower it enjoys a magnificent 360 degree view over the whole Valdichiana, part of Umbria where you can admire the Trasimeno Lake, and all the rest of the surrounding territory
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - Surrounded by greenery and tranquility, the property has 18 hectares of land with vineyards and olive groves and 3 hectares of Italian garden with a refined pool of 7m x 14m with showers, a classic fountain of 6m in diameter, old trees and a 400 sqm winte
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located
Toscana Immobiliare - The Villa is on three floors spread over 900 square meters. At the entrance there is a magnificent staircase that leads to the upper floor where the bedrooms are located


يعود تاريخ المنزل التاريخي إلى أوائل القرن العشرين ، وهو مثال مهم على Liberty الكلاسيكية ، حيث تلتقي الأناقة والرفاهية والأناقة في عمل فريد من نوعه. هذه الجوهرة الموجودة في قلب توسكانا فريدة من نوعها.تقع الفيلا في موقع استراتيجي. في الواقع ، من أعلى برجها ، تتمتع بإطلالة رائعة بزاوية 360 درجة على توسكانا ، وهي جزء من أومبريا حيث يمكنك الاستمتاع ببحيرة تراسيمينو ، وبقية المنطقة المحيطة.منغمس في المساحات الخضراء والهدوء ، لديه 18 هكتارا من الأراضي مع كروم العنب وبساتين الزيتون و 3 هكتارات من الحديقة الإيطالية مع حمام سباحة راق 7 متر × 14 متر مع دش ، ونافورة كلاسيكية قطرها 6 أمتار ، وأشجار قديمة و حديقة شتوية تبلغ مساحتها حوالي 400 متر مربع تم تجديدها مع أرضيات مناسبة لأي حاجة ، بما في ذلك الإقامة.يضم مكان الإقامة أيضًا اسطبلًا رائعًا مع السروج والحقول. يوجد في حديقته 18 من الطيور مع عينات فريدة من الطيور من جميع أنحاء العالم وأربعة آبار.تقع الفيلا على ثلاثة طوابق موزعة على 900 متر مربع. تقريبا. عند المدخل يوجد سلم رائع يؤدي إلى الطابق العلوي حيث توجد غرف النوم. في الواقع هناك 5 غرف نوم ، 3 حمامات ، مطبخان ، و 7 بين غرف المعيشة والقاعات في جميع أنحاء الفيلا.بجوار الفيلا الرئيسية هناك فيلا ثانية مساحتها 250 متر مربع ، على طابقين. يحتوي الطابق الأول على صالة مع مدفأة ومطبخ وغرفتي نوم وحمام تم تجديده بالكامل ، بينما الطابق الموجود أدناه في المستودع.

معرف الخاصية:
عند توقيع الطلب
العقارات الفاخرة
900 mq
تصنيف الطاقة:
G > 3,50 EP
18 ha
اكتشف الإقليم

طلب زيارة افتراضية ل: V320

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